Does Akhund actually mean educated or professor?
Does Akhund actually mean educated or professor?
(I'll make an effort to find the solution to this quandary. This response will come from those who are investigating the Akhund tribe's history.)
Before, I only believed that the Akhund Khel were a nation or a tribe, but thanks to the internet, I now understand that there are actually many different tribes that known by the name Akhund. The primary cause of this might be the fact that the names or titles of these tribes were unquestionably derived from the chiefs' names. The descendants of the Akhunds do not currently know anything about their ancestors. Very few people possess the material, but they are reluctant to exchange it with one another.
On the internet, the word Akhund has many different definitions, the majority of which derive from the Persian word for an educated person, Akhund, which can also mean professor. The meanings of the regional names of other societies or languages are hidden, so it is not appropriate to try to decipher them. There are still old people around who have seen eight or ten springs of life. Elders claim that in the past, people referred " Akhund" to the person in charge of cleaning the mosque. Such a person is known as a servant of the mosque in general.
Only knowledgeable and historically astute Akhund Khel residents with in-depth knowledge of this tribe should contribute to this forum with their thoughts. Everybody's writing will be posted on this forum along with their names and photos.